10 Lines on My School in English for Students, Kid’s in Different Set

Read our 10 lines on my school to enhance your writing skill. These 10 lines on my school in English, helps to improve higher grades in exam.

The best wealth of any nation is called the children of that nation. For the nation’s development, the all-round development of the children must be done well, and a school is a suitable place for the all-round development of the children.

Where the child becomes a cultured and civilized citizen by studying and contributing to the progress of the country, school, and education have an essential part in a person’s life.

So, let’s go through 10 lines on My School in English for your writing.

10 Lines on My School (Set- 1)

1. The name of my school is Anand Public School.

2. My school is situated in Surat.

3. My school is from 1st to 12th standard.

4. In our school, both girls and boys study together.

5. The colour of the uniform of the students of my school is blue.

6. My school timings are from 8 am to 1 pm.

7. Our school has a beautiful garden in which beautiful trees have been planted.

8. There are a total of 25 rooms in this school.

9. The number of teachers in our school is 30.

10. I like my school very much.

10 Lines about My School in English (Set- 2)

1. The name of my school is Aakash Public.

2. Students from classes 1st to 10th study in my school.

3. A wall from all sides surrounds my school.

4. The school has an office where the headmaster and other teachers sit.

5. About 500 students study in the school.

6. There is a big green playground in my school.

7. Our school is painted blue.

8. There are 10 rooms in my school.

9. All the teachers of our school teach us diligently.

10. I like my school very much.

10 Lines on My School for Students (Set-3)

1. School is the place which prepares us for a promising future.

2. I love my school because it is one of the best school

3. The classrooms at my school are wide, big and airy.

4. There is a massive playground in our school where we play.

5. My school has a computer lab, science lab and an extensive library.

6. All the teachers in my school are very kind and cooperative.

7. My school also participates in extracurricular activities like sports, quiz competitions, speeches etc.

8. We celebrate all the national events in our school with great enthusiasm.

9. I am proud of my school because we all study here like a family.

10. I always pray that my school and all its teachers and students be happy and prosperous.

10 Lines on My School in English (Set- 4)

1. The name of my school is “Vidyasagar Vidyapeeth”. It has 50 teachers.

2. There are 1500 students in my school. There is a big playground in the school.

3. There is a library in my school. We all celebrate special days like teacher’s day, student’s day etc. in our school.

4. The teachers at our school are lovely and strict.

5. We maintain proper discipline in our school.

6. Our school also has extra classes for those students who are weak in their studies.

7. We have intelligent classes for better learning. CCTV cameras are available for our security.

8. My school provides transport facilities for the students who live far away from the school.

9. We can express our thoughts freely.

10. Every year an exhibition is organized in our school for the students. I love my school very much.

10 Lines about My School for Kids (Set- 5)

1. My school’s name is Guru Govind Public School. It is a CBSE school.

2. My school has classes from 1st to 12th.

3. My school has a beautiful garden, in which beautiful flowers and many types of trees and plants are planted.

4. There is also an extensive playground, and many sports competitions are organized here.

5. All the students in my school come in a blue dress. Our school timings are from 8 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon.

6. The building of this school is two storied. There are about 14 large and airy rooms in this school.

7. There are about 30 teachers and teachers here.

8. Special arrangements have been made for clean water in this school. There are clean and hygienic bathrooms here.

9. This school was established in the year 2005. The principal of this school takes excellent care of all the children.

10. My school is lovely, and I am proud of it.

10 Lines on My School in English (Set-6)

1. All the teachers in my school are very kind and cooperative.

2. We celebrate all the events in our school with great enthusiasm.

3. There is a big playground in our school where we play every day.

4. The classrooms at my school are big and airy.

5. I love my school very much because it is one of the best schools in the city.

6. I am very proud of my school because we all live here like a family.

7. My school also has a science laboratory, computer lab and a library.

8. My school also has a garden, in which many beautiful flowers bloom.

9. The result of my school is 100% every year.

10. I always pray to God that there should be happiness and prosperity in the lives of my school’s teachers and students.

Final Words

School and education have an essential part in a person’s life. Therefore, we all need to bring every child closer to school and education so that he can provide immense support in the country’s progress.

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