Essay on Artificial Intelligence in English for Students

Essay on Artificial Intelligence: In this article I’m going to provide you an Essay on Artificial Intelligence, which will help for your higher grades.

Artificial intelligence is a process of creating computers, robots or software that can think intellectually like the human brain. It started in the 1950s. Artificial intelligence means intellectual ability developed by artificial.

Through this, a computer or robotic system is created, which is tried to run based on the same logic on which the human brain works. Let’s see the article of “Essay of Artificial Intelligence in English.” 

Essay on Artificial Intelligence (150 Words)

Artificial intelligence is a process of creating computers, robots or software that can think intellectually like the human brain. It started in the 1950s but gained importance only in the 1970s.

John McCarthy is considered the father of artificial intelligence. According to them, it is a science of programming intelligent computer programs. AI refers to the intelligence of machines. Artificial intelligence has become our need today and is being used in every field.

This is the branch of computer science where machines perform the process of imitating human intelligence and thinking that humans are known as artificial intelligence.

Friends, artificial intelligence is a part of computer science. It is a technology in which a machine, like humans or other creatures, does some work by putting its mind.

If we say this, in other words, artificial intelligence aims to build such systems or machines. One who uses his intelligence to do some work like humans are contrary to the natural intelligence of humans and animals.

So now you must understand that AI or artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science developing machines that can think and act like humans.

Short Essay on Artificial Intelligence (250 Words)

Artificial intelligence means intellectual ability developed by artificial means. Artificial Intelligence started in the 1950s. The father of Artificial Intelligence is considered asJohn McCarthy.

According to him, it is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, brilliant computer programs, i.e., the intelligence displayed by machines. Through artificial intelligence, we can create computer systems or robotic systems.

Attempts can be made to run it based on the human brain. It studies how the human brain thinks, learns, makes decisions, and works while solving problems.

In this way, Artificial Intelligence started only in the 1950s but gained recognition in the 1970s. Japan was the first to take the initiative in this direction and, in 1981, started a plan called Fifth Generation.

After Japan, other countries also paid attention to artificial intelligence. The countries of the European Union had started a program called ‘Esprit’. Then Britain did a project for this named ‘Elvi’.

After this, in 1983, some private organizations established a consortium ‘Micro-Electronics and Computer Technology’ to develop advanced technologies applicable to Artificial Intelligence, such as Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits.

A system with artificial intelligence defeated one of the greatest players of all time, Garry Kasparov, in 1997.

Long Essay on Artificial Intelligence (500 Words)

Artificial intelligence can seen as a branch of computer science as it is one of the advancements in computer science. This is the intelligence of machines. Usually, we only understand the intelligence of humans, but when the machine represents this, it is called artificial intelligence.

A machine never works without instructions. It works only when given instruction, but if human-like thinking and analysis, problem-solving ability, voice recognition ability etc. Machines are of great use to us. They make our work simple and easy.

At present, we are surrounded by all kinds of devices with artificial intelligence, for example, air conditioners, computers, mobiles, biosensors, video games, etc. . Broadly speaking, the development of artificial intelligence will benefit humanity in various aspects.

Types of artificial intelligence:

Artificial intelligence mainly divided into two parts, which are as follows –


  • Reactive Machine: This type of machine responds rapidly to any condition. It is not able to hold any data for present or future use. It works according to the fed data.
  • Theory of Mind: These machines understand human emotions; they are much more intelligent. However, such devices have not yet generated. Hence the concept is hypothetical.
  • Limited memory: This machine can store a small amount of data for a limited period—examples of this self-driving cars and video games.
  • Self-awareness: These machines have the quality of doing better work than humans. It is another matter that, to date, no such machine has produced. However, continued efforts created in this direction.

 Part -2

  • Compact artificial intelligence – These types of devices can only perform a single task, for example – voice recognition.
  • Superior artificial intelligence: Excellent artificial intelligence: AI can exceed a human. However, an investigation is still going on on this.
  • General Artificial Intelligence: This type of intelligence can perform human-like tasks. To date, no such machine has developed.

Major Applications of Artificial Intelligence:

  1. Natural Language Processing
  2. Vision System
  3. Intelligent Robot
  4. Speech Recognition
  5. Computer Gaming
  6. Expert System

Furthermore, running a highly complex system to prepare new drugs to discover new chemicals from the mining industry to space from the stock market to insurance companies no such area of ​​human life left without the interference of artificial intelligence.


Thus we know that continued actions made toward artificial intelligence. Many machines with artificial intelligence are unrestricted today, which makes our work easier.

Due to the development of all the tools trained with artificial intelligence, people with little understanding also get a lot of help. The development of artificial intelligence can also utilized to solve criminal cases.

Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence:

1.What is Artificial Intelligence?

Answer: Artificial Intelligence is one such branch of computer science. Within which the ability to think and understand the machines develops the ability to make decisions. Machines are made intelligent to make decisions by thinking like humans and can work without human help.

2.What are the types of artificial intelligence?

Answer: There are four types of Artificial Intelligence.

  • 1- Reactive Machines
  • 2- Limited Memory
  • 3- Theory Of Mind
  • 4- Self-Conscious

3.What is the use of Artificial Intelligence?

Answer: With the help of AI, we can easily detect the diseases and insects in the crop. With the help of this we can spray the crops with utmost accuracy. We can also estimate the yield of the crop.

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