My Hobby Essay in English for Students and Kids

My Hobby Essay: Hi Students, In this article you will get my Hobby Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 for better Grades. You will also get my hobby essay 100, 150, 200, 250 and 500 words. You may use 250 words article in 200 similarly 150 words essay in 100 words.

Hobby is inside every person, there is a different hobby inside everyone because everyone likes different things. Hobby is that which we get pleasure in doing, after doing which our mind gets peace and our skill also increases. So, enjoy simple essay on my hobby in different word count.

My Hobby Essay in 150 Words (also use for 100 words)

In today’s age, knowledge is power. That’s why reading is essential. I am very interested in reading; reading is my hobby.

Hobbies mean something that I enjoy doing. Hobbies are not done to earn money but to give new energy to the tired body. Some hobbies are expensive and some are cheap.

Reading is the least expensive hobby. I read not only books but also story books, magazines, newspapers, and any material that I find interesting. Books provide a lot of information to the reader in his life. Books have helped me a lot in my life.

Reading gives me information about new things, the knowledge of which I cannot take without reading. I learned how people lived in a world of magic and mystery in ancient times.

I read about the world’s wonders, space travel, human achievements, giant whales, small viruses, and other fascinating things about our world, which increase my knowledge and hobby and they are very helpful in my life.

My Hobby short Essay in 250 Words (also use for 200 words)

People have many hobbies in life, and I also have a hobby. Many kids don’t like to read; they want to play and jump, so they feel bad, but my hobby is reading. I love to study.

My favorite hobby is reading informative and engaging books in my spare time. Whenever I go home from school, I love to read such books after completing my homework. Now, I know that reading books is an excellent habit, which makes me happy. Anyone can develop this hobby at any time. However, I have found it naturally.

Reading books keeps a person happy. It is a good source of knowledge, joy, encouragement, and information. It makes us disciplined, reliable, punctual, and, more importantly, prosperous people.
No one feels lonely and upset after reading books. I think my this habit is more precious than the world’s gold or other precious stones.

Reading books provides us with a high level of knowledge and great ideas to work in many fields. Good and interesting books are like the best friend of a person who loves to read.

The most significant advantage of reading is getting information thousands of miles away from home. Reading books that challenge the intelligence also sharpens the mind.

This hobby of reading always makes me happy. The prices of books are increasing day by day. But we can go to the library and read books so I am sure that I will continue this hobby for the rest of my life.

My Hobby Essay for Students in 500 Words

Hobbies are a good thing that a person gets from childhood. It can be developed at any age, from childhood to acquisition. We all have some hobbies according to our interests so that we can get happiness  which is called a hobby.

All people have different hobbies according to their interest, likes, and dislikes. There are many types of hobbies, and we like dancing, singing, drawing, indoor or outdoor games, bird watching, antiques, photography, writing, eating, reading, sports, gardening, music, watching TV, cooking, etc. Our hobbies helps to make us survive and make a successful career.

My Hobbies

Reading is an excellent habit that needs to be developed in life. Good books can inform you, increase your knowledge and lead you in the right direction in your life.

There is no other better companion than a good book. Reading a book is essential because it is good for our overall well-being. Once we start reading, we experience a whole new world. When you fall in love with the habit of reading, you eventually become addicted to it.

Reading develops vocabulary and language skills. Reading books is also a way to de-stress and relax.

What are the benefits of reading a book?

Reading a book is beneficial. The book affects your life a lot. Reading helps in the development of personality. There are many types of books. Most of the books have solutions to all the problems of life. Reading a book increases knowledge; reading a book gives many people employment, strengthening the economic condition.

Books are a storehouse of knowledge, whether good or bad. You should decide what kind of books you like to read. Good books will guide you on the right track. First of all, you should make a habit of reading books. Reading books is very beneficial.

Book Facility

A person cannot feel lonely and upset by reading books. I think my this habit is more precious than gold or other precious stones.

It provides a high level of knowledge, ideas, and best ideas to work in many fields. Excellent and exciting books are best friends for those who love to read.

Those who do not have this habit may have worldly wealth, but due to a lack of wealth of actual knowledge, they will always be poor. The tradition of reading a book can be acquired.


Hobbies are a good thing that happens in everyone’s life. Being fond of anything is a good habit which is essential to everyone, as it motivates a person to do the things of his choice. It engages a person with a fresh mind. It never leaves you alone and also protects you from many mental illnesses. Hobbies refer to their particular interest in some other habit different from all their practices.

Frequently Asked Questions on my Hobby Essay in English

1. What is hobby?

Answer: Hobby means something that a person likes to do or study in his spare time, for which you do not get any money, even if you like to do that, then it can be your hobby.

2. Type of hobby?

Answer: Hobbies can be of many types like reading, creative writing, singing, dancing etc. Children can also engage in cooking or gardening if they are interested in such activities.

3. How to know your hobby?

Answer: To recognize our hobby, we have to pay attention to our whole routine and do the work that we feel most like, we get happiness, self satisfaction and forgetting everything, we get engaged in it, then this work is our hobby.

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